SABFOIL Kit 82 - 790 Onda

  • Hersteller
  • Frontwing
  • Mastlänge in cm

1.351,50 € 1351.5 EUR 1.590,00 €

1.590,00 €

Diese Kombination aus Farbe / Grösse existiert nicht, bitte wähle eine andere.

In den Warenkorb

Wingfoil / Kitefoil / Carven in kleinen bis mittleren Wellen

Preis inkl MwSt, laut Lieferadresse.

, 14 Tage Widerrufsrecht

      SABFOIL Kit 82 - 790 Onda

      SABFOIL Kit 82 - 790 Onda Kitefoil

      The unique design of this foil allows you to surf small waves and ride back to the line up due too its great pumpability. 

      The unique design of this foil allows you to surf small waves and ride back to the line up due too its great pumpability. It's top end speed and stability make this wing ideal for use with a windwing in 15+ knots.

      The self controlled lift, due to the advanced inverted gull wing design, will make you enthusiast while pumping and give you that extra drive to generate speed through your carves.

      Ideal for small to medium waves.

      Deine Leistungen wenn du bei Kitejunkie kaufst!
      Trimm, Free Repair, Session Safe, Kitejunkie Leistungen


              Hersteller SAB / Moses
              Frontwing 79 cm
              Nicht kategorisiert
              Mastlänge in cm 82